Collapsible Menu Script
28.05.2009, 21:44
Выдвегающегося меню. Создает неплохой эффект.

Пример использования скрипта:

Menu 1
Menu 2

Код скрипта:

Collapsible Menu Script.
Created by Kyle Edwards.
Please keep this notice intact.
Below is the code for the hyperlinks that expand and collapse the menus. You need to do the following for each menu:
1. Create hyperlink code that looks like this:
<a href="#" onclick="collapse_menu(menu1, 0)">The value of the link goes here.</a><br>
Note: Change menu1 to the name of the menu, and change 0 to the number of the menu.
Note: 0 is the number of the FIRST menu.
2. After each hyperlink, type in code that looks like this:
<span id="menu1"></span>
Note: Change "menu1" to the name of the menu.
3. Follow the instructions inside the <script> tags. They follow //'s.
<a href="#" onclick="collapse_menu(menu1, 0); return false">Menu 1</a><br>
<span id="menu1"></span>
<a href="#" onclick="collapse_menu(menu2, 1); return false">Menu 2</a><br>
<span id="menu2"></span>

<script language="javascript">
//Collapsible Menu Script.
//Created by Kyle Edwards.
//Please keep this notice intact.

//This defines the arrays that contain info about the menus. Do NOT edit.
var on_off=new Array();
var menu_code=new Array();

//Below, define number_of_menus. It should be equal to the number of menus you have.

//Here we define the code for the menus. Inside the quotation marks, type in the value of each option.
//Note: After each option, you need to put a <br> tag.
//Note: If you want to indent the options, type &nbsp; for each space of indentation.
//and a </blockquote> tag at the end.
//Example: "&nbsp;&nbsp;Option 1<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Option 2<br>"
//This puts two spaces at the beginning of each option.

menu_code[0]="Option 1<br>Option 2<br>Option 3<br>";
menu_code[1]="Option 1<br>Option 2<br>Option 3<br>";

//Everything below this notice is the code that expands and collapses the menus. Do NOT edit.
for (loop=0; loop<number_of_menus; loop++){

function collapse_menu(menu_id, menu_number){
  if (on_off[menu_number]==0){

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